A Personalized, Smart,
ChatGPT Powered AI Assistant

Automate E-commerce sales & support

Works 24/7, even while you sleep!

Automated AI Training

Powered by GPT.

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Crafting a Seamless Personalized Experience for your Store Visitors & Customers
Customer-Centric AI Chatbot for sales & support automations

Engage your customers 3X more with

AI Chat Campaigns

Increase Store Revenue

Reduce support operations by over 30%

Fast deployment with our expert support
Turn Conversations Into Sales

Assist In Product Discovery (Conversational Searching)

Instant Answers for Product FAQ’s

Recover Abandoned Carts

Instant Answers for Brand Information

Conversational Campaigns - Automate Your Support When You are Not Available

Assist In Returns, Exchanges, & Cancellations
Automate Customer Support
Get rid of the Away Messages and take advantage of our proprietary conversational AI platform that leverages machine learning to instantly answer customer questions 24/7.

Instant Customer Satisfaction

Reduce Support Tickets

Lower Customer Support Costs

Empower Live Agents To Do More

Live Agent Transfer

Web Accessibility

4 Ways Relish AI Chatbot Helps
E-commerce Stores to Increase Revenue.
It works 24/7,
even while you sleep!

Relish AI is software you hire to do sales & support when you are offline. We guide you in just a few clicks in creating campaigns that you have final say over.
Your personalized shopping assistant will supercharge your sales and automate your support.
Does Relish AI integrates with your current live chat Helpdesks?
It is a good team player
You are in control of what tasks it performs or what questions it answers and how it responds.
When it does not have enough information to answer a question it always connects the customer to you or your colleagues to answer a question with Live Chat integration.

Did I mention Relish AI can also learn and improve by itself ?

It learns & grows
It is personalized assistant for
e-commerce stores and continuously learns
from user interactions.
The longer you use it, the more intelligent it will be.
Did I mention Relish AI can Increase Conversions by 20% ?
It gives you superpowers
Today's shoppers expect personalized & immediate attention! Get rid of the Away Messages and provide instant answers with a human touch.
Our clients are seeing a 20% increase in
E-commerce store conversions and cutting over 30% in support operations after just one month.

Supercharge your E-commerce Stores!
Create an account, setup your first AI chatbot in minutes.
No coding required.
Get Started for Free.